Saturday, March 10, 2012


Although I don't consider myself a writer, I realize that words matter and those words can allow people entrance into areas of your world that they would otherwise never know. With this being my first blog, I thought I would keep it short, simple, and to the point. I am not sure where this glimpse into my world will take us. My goal is to be carefully transparent, yet extremely honest and deeply considerate of those I love. 

As I've been processing what to share with you, I thought I should start at the beginning. Then I realized the beginning doesn't hold the emotion and passion for me that the present does. So, I will start in the now and you will see traces of my past trickle through my writing. 

If I'm going to blog and share myself with the world, I have to be real and sometimes there will be a spiritual takeaway and sometimes you will see into the layers of my humanness, both of which I think will impact you in some way. 

Having said all of this, before I take you on this journey with me there is one thing I want you to know that is purely truth. God is real, I am saved by his grace, he is love, he is faithful, he never fails, he sent his son Jesus to die for all of us, I believe him, I trust him fully (no matter the circumstance), I know his word is true, and I will serve him all of my days. 

Okay, now that the foundation is established, I invite you into my world, through my words... 

Lisa Easton